I Heart NYC [dirty version]
Day 130 / Mile 15,750
In between the classic tourist vacation in NYC and life for the normal locals, there's a beautiful layer of grime that is extremely appealing to a photographer.
Being that NYC is a driver's worst nightmare, I pretty much turned off my van for my entire 2 week stay. I found a big park in Green Point / Williamsburg, only having to move my van every other day for street sweeping. It was nice, kind of like camping with the view of trees, but with dozens of pizza joints within a few blocks. I rode my bike everywhere, making far locations accessible and still being able to stop at every interesting spot along the way.
*Warning: depending on your place of employment, some photographs may not be safe to view at work.
The wind was my brush on this masterpiece.
The traffic cop can't boot this car.
Another vehicle on blocks... I saw far too many bikes that had been stripped of unlocked parts.
The street photography opportunities in the city are endless.
The weathered painted brick on this building is something you can't recreate without time. The blue vehicle really made this picture come together.
Another weathered building, complimented by the colorful containers.
The abandoned Small Pox Hospital.
An old friend from Oregon and extremely talented photographer, Kari Rowe, just happened to be on a birthday vacation to the city while I was there, and running around with my local friends as well.
The photographer on the other side of the lens, comfortable there as well.
Kari had a swanky room directly across the street from Central Park. We all grabbed 40s to warm up for the night.
Mertz surprised her with a classic scene from Home Alone 2, outside waiting was a limo with a cheese pizza. We cruised for 3 hours causing a scene, just like Macaulay Culkin.
I don't remember what this was all about, but I'm sure the 40's, champagne, and whiskey had something to do with it.
A few pedestrians walked by not even looking over, like this was a totally normal sight.
She just turned 21 and had her first beer with me.
Over the 2 weeks I was in the city I found myself getting on a vampire schedule, staying up late and missing out on the sunrises like my previous travel styles. I got a lot of great night cityscape photos, but won't flood this story with all of them.
I biked over the Brooklyn Bridge about 20 times, and this was my favorite lap.
New School hieroglyphs.
There's always about 50 parties every night here. Fern is usually too busy traveling with Vice, so this was a special occasion to have him out.
Getting down at a Tender Trap party.
Getting WAY down...
Twerk dat skate ramp.
People are always hustling in the city. There are classic panhandlers and then there are performers... this dude had a gymnastic routine on the L train.
A long time local and former HCSC buddy, Chris Lambert, showed me a bizarre area just a few miles away from the city... Dead Horse Bay.
This landfill that was closed in the 1930's has been slowly eroding into the bay and littering the shoreline. Hurricane Sandy expedited this too, exposing tons of non-biodegradable items like leather shoe soles and what we came to find- prohibition era bottles.
Chris and Alex wondering if the contents of these 1920's whiskey bottles are still tasting good.
Hurricane Sandy wrecked shop here. These boats are still just sitting here as a canvas for graffiti artists in training.
This year Snowboarder Magazine had their annual Superpark on the East Coast. A small crew of riders and industry homeys stopped through after the event was over.
A real motley crue of snobros here.
Hey Danny Kass, your car is about to get towed. Mertz, Nawrocky, and I just wanted to say peace before it's gone.
Shout out to all the friends I got to see in the area, you really made it a great visit: Alex Mertz, Chris Lambert, Stan Evans, Eric Fernandez, Max Miller, Robi Gonzalez, Megan Whiteside, Eddie Grams, Cole Barash, Ali Tillett, Brendan Hayes, Alex Nawrocky, Craig Wetherby, Gregory Hayes, Kari Langslet, Drew Amer, and those others too.
My visit to NYC was tons of fun and refueled my stoke on this tour, but was starting to put my wallet in the grave. Time to get a move on!