Day 38 / Mile 3200.
Too bad I didn't have a huge budget to splurge on a shopping spree in Oregon, because in Washington all my purchases have sales tax again. I did consider buying a fancy new camera lens that I've been drooling over for the last couple years, but my credit card statement would have been annoying to deal with for the next couple years. ...so I bought a bag of ramen instead and got rolling up the road.
I rolled into Seattle and was excited, or I should say Seattle was excited, that I brought some dry weather with me. It was so nice that I stayed for a few days visiting my good buddy Sean Tedore from Tahoe and Alaska homeys Kirk Stinebaugh, his babe Chloe, & rock n' roller Robi Gonzalez. I also stopped by the Coal Headwear headquarters and picked up some fresh caps for the rest of my journey.
Before my friends treated me to any more amazing times (that I remember before all those Rainiers kicked in) I set off to the peninsula.
Back in the mainland, I heard stories of this mythical cave near Mt Baker. A storm was brewing, so it was best to head out of town and continue on route while the van's wiper blades enjoyed the rest.
Next I'm headed to Idaho for those famous potatoes of theirs!