Shoestring Adventure in Sequoia
Day 295 / Mile 25,800
The trip meter was paused for a while, but my Living VANcariously lifestyle has still been running in the background. For the last month I've been spending time with family in the Bay Area, catching up on stories and watching movies with my mother. It's been nice camping out in their office room with access to modern conveniences. Having a shower on hand is a luxury that I missed, though being a good Californian and drought conscious I use it quickly.
Back when I started the this whole tour, a friend of a friend contacted me for an interview about this project. Since then Alyx and I have keep in touch via social media, and recently she invited me on a trip to Sequoia National Park. It's an area that I hadn't visited yet, so I was quick to say yes.
In the middle of the California Delta is this random shack. Curiosity got me, so I pulled a u-turn on the busy hwy to investigate.
Out in this muddy marsh there's no other structure for miles. Is it an art installation, is it a redneck joke, or is it just a perfect photo op of an outhouse for me???
Alyx had already set up camp when I arrived a day early, prepping for the dozen in our group. I love sleeping in tents out in nature, though this time for ease I glamped out and simply popped the top in my rolling apartment. Don't be too quick to call me a princess, I plan to go backpacking soon and will be roughing it out proper style. ;)
These trees demand respect, but without the National Park preserving them humans would have already harvested their ancient lumber for the walls of a Walmart or something else.
Frolicking in the flowers with friends.
These badasses are still fragile beings. The trees, not the fellas.
The hike up Moro Rock is short, but still as rewarding as some crazier hikes.
The photographer on the other side of the lens.
Squad on top of a 1000' drop, yo.
Suz enjoys the lack of social media. Follow her in real life.
Only a minute walk from our campsite was this epic swim spot.
Dan jumped off everything in site.
We lapped these natural waterslides for hours. SO. MUCH. FUN.
Squad on top again.
"Just balance there for a second so I can get the anticipation shot..."
The Flying Squirrel aka @simmerdowntown.
Gourmet meals at camp. Like I said, we were glamping...
Eating better in the woods than at home.
If we weren't photographing the stars, we were laying back gazing on them.
It's inconceivable to comprehend what potentially is going on in all those other galaxies. It makes me reconsider some of my goals in life.
After a couple amazing days with the crew, unfortunately we had to part ways. Unlike me, everybody had jobs to return to. The only way I could avoid grief was to distract myself. Knowing this would happen, I brought my road bike with me and planned a rode from our campground up to the top of the mountain. It was a brutal climb (5700' total), but the views were very worth it. Also being able to cruise around to the different sites was really convenient.
Classic tourist view.
Being a tourist can be lots of fun, glad I brought my compact camera in my jersey pocket for these pics.
The biggest tree in the world, I salute you.
The descent back down was awesome. It was by far the most fun I've had ripping down a paved road. 10 steep miles down with smooth corners, carving around with a feeling like I was snowboarding.
To get back to the Bay Area I made an impromptu decision to route through Yosemite and Tahoe. ...figured you'd like to see more pics.