Wyoming because. Part 1

Day 48 / Mile 5095

The last couple posts had intentionally boring titles.  I wanted to get to the point, but now feel like spicing it up again.  What would you have named the last one for Idaho?  How about- Youdaho??  Come on now, grow up!  haha, well here we go again...

Rolling into Wyoming was tough on old Tina.  The Teton Pass has so far been the most brutal climb.  The snow on the road wasn't the issue, it was just so steep and such a high elevation that Tina's 110 hp motor pulling our 5000 lb load really made her struggle.  I didn't crack the whip too hard, so we cruised up in 2nd gear at a casual 30 mph.   

We made it to cowboy country.  

We made it to cowboy country.  

This is the kind of photo to hang in your luxury vacation home.

This is the kind of photo to hang in your luxury vacation home.

Hahaha, oh I get it...  You're saying that I ( R.S. ) am lazy.  Nice ranch name, well played cowboy. 

Hahaha, oh I get it...  You're saying that I ( R.S. ) am lazy.  Nice ranch name, well played cowboy. 

Stick'm up!  Give me your antlers, ole Rifle Robbie is in town!(These antlers were actually gathered from when the Elk are shedding, not from hunting them.) 

Stick'm up!  Give me your antlers, ole Rifle Robbie is in town!

(These antlers were actually gathered from when the Elk are shedding, not from hunting them.) 

I stopped in the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar for a beer.  The seats at the bar are real horse saddles, which were super awkward to sit on.   ...it made me wonder if the locals even sat on them, or laughed from the normal chairs when the…

I stopped in the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar for a beer.  The seats at the bar are real horse saddles, which were super awkward to sit on.   ...it made me wonder if the locals even sat on them, or laughed from the normal chairs when the tourists climbed on.  I went for it, rode that buckin' bronco of a barstool and enjoyed my Budweiser- GIDDY UP! 

Them mountains of Jackson, the Grand Tetons.  Complete postcard here with a buffalo wandered off from Yellowstone. 

Them mountains of Jackson, the Grand Tetons.  Complete postcard here with a buffalo wandered off from Yellowstone. 

Down the tracks I found myself in Dinosaur land.  The roadside was full of signs noting the interesting geological features of the rocks, like what era it was from and what kind of fossils have been found.

Down the tracks I found myself in Dinosaur land.  The roadside was full of signs noting the interesting geological features of the rocks, like what era it was from and what kind of fossils have been found.

Because it was all prehistoric here, I pretended to be a neanderthal and hung out like a caveman.

Because it was all prehistoric here, I pretended to be a neanderthal and hung out like a caveman.

Create a caption for this in the comments.  

Create a caption for this in the comments.  

Is it Pharrell Williams' hat, or a giant boob? ...actually it's a mineral deposit over the last century coming from a pipe to vent the local hot spring.  In Thermopolis there are a handful of hot springs, and one that is actually free…

Is it Pharrell Williams' hat, or a giant boob? 

...actually it's a mineral deposit over the last century coming from a pipe to vent the local hot spring.  In Thermopolis there are a handful of hot springs, and one that is actually free to the public and super nice.  I enjoyed it, and soaked up all the minerals in the whole dang place.

Down the way Yellowstone was a mandatory visit.  Most of the roads are closed in the winter, but it's still beautiful in the surrounding areas.  This thing was really out of place, some farmer put a Fast Food restaurant statue out in the m…

Down the way Yellowstone was a mandatory visit.  Most of the roads are closed in the winter, but it's still beautiful in the surrounding areas.  

This thing was really out of place, some farmer put a Fast Food restaurant statue out in the middle of a field.  Maybe it was a beef rancher trying to promote burger sales?

"Neature" as they say.  A cave, a crack in the mountainside, an icy river... a majestic area Yellowstone is.

"Neature" as they say.  A cave, a crack in the mountainside, an icy river... a majestic area Yellowstone is.

This crazy place is the Smith Mansion.  The man building it unfortunately fell off and was killed before it was finished. 

This crazy place is the Smith Mansion.  The man building it unfortunately fell off and was killed before it was finished. 

It's a shame it was never completed, though still a great design as-is.  

It's a shame it was never completed, though still a great design as-is.  

In the town of Cody (Home of Buffalo Bill) I met John Wells, a local up-and-coming skateboarder.  He told me of this insane polejam he wanted to hit.  There were a couple ice patches in the runway, but wanted to do it anyways.  

In the town of Cody (Home of Buffalo Bill) I met John Wells, a local up-and-coming skateboarder.  He told me of this insane polejam he wanted to hit.  There were a couple ice patches in the runway, but wanted to do it anyways.  

His motivation was all-time, and he tried and tried until he stomped this one.  It was so sick.

His motivation was all-time, and he tried and tried until he stomped this one.  It was so sick.

After hanging with John and him learning my story, he mentioned I might like this house.  Ya, a private residence designed by FRANK LOYD WRIGHT, and the only one by him in the whole state.  It was so brilliant, the view from those windows …

After hanging with John and him learning my story, he mentioned I might like this house.  Ya, a private residence designed by FRANK LOYD WRIGHT, and the only one by him in the whole state.  It was so brilliant, the view from those windows was a pond and even a few deer were hanging out.

I jumped a fence and took a hike to the Buffalo Bill Dam and made this picture for you.  

I jumped a fence and took a hike to the Buffalo Bill Dam and made this picture for you.  



I have more Wyoming stories and am going to break it up into another post, because I know you have ADHD and can't keep your focus for much longer.  Stay tuned for Part 2/2.